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Saturday, July 27, 2024

cenosillicaphobia:The Fear of an Empty Beer Glass

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Esha Saxena Mandala
Esha Saxena Mandalahttps://kigalidailynews.com
Esha Saxena Mandala has extensive experience as a freelance writer, journalist, and content strategist. She has over six years of editorial and inbound marketing expertise and is fascinated with creating wonderful content that is insanely useful and effective.

cenosillicaphobia:The Fear of an Empty Beer Glass

Cenosillicaphobia (pronounced sen-no-sill-ick-uh-fobia) is the fear of an empty glass. This phobia can pertain to glasses lacking in beer, wine, or a cocktail. Many avid American drinkers suffer from this particularly cruel fear.

Let’s break it down. Ceno comes from the Greek word kenos, which means empty. Sillica, which we can also assume was meant to be spelled silica refers to quartz, or in this case is intended to mean glass. Lastly, is phobia, which simply means the fear of. Put it all together and would you look at what we get, Cenosillicaphobia, the fear of an empty glass. By adding the Latin word for beer, cervisia, you get Cenocervasiasillicaphobia, the fear of an empty beer glass.

Though the term may not be listed in your traditional Webster’s dictionary, has a somewhat questionable origin, and is not deemed a legitimate health condition by Google, it has certainly taken off on the Internet thanks to Urban Dictionary, and a countless number of online forums. Some mentions of Cenosillicaphobia date back over a decade to 2008.

Those that suffer from Cenosillicaphobia can get off easy with only slight discomfort in the presence of an empty glass, whereas others become fully panicked or lash out in anger when their beverage is depleted. The cure for this phobia is only as close as the nearest brewery, bar, or liquor store.

Did you know that just as bottomless mimosas exist, some restaurants and bars offer bottomless beer specials for those that fear an empty beer glass? Next time you’re out to dinner, or at the pub, drop your newly learned term, Cenosillicaphobia, and see if there are any specials to make sure you can avoid sitting around with an empty beer glass before you.

Now, the time has come. It is time to test if you may be suffering from Cenosillicaphobia. Scroll down and take a look at the photo below of the empty beer glass. Did you involuntarily shutter at this sight? If so, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you may have Cenosillicaphobia. Don’t worry though, you are not the only one, and we, and all your fellow beer drinkers, are here to support you!

If you think that Cenosillicaphobia is scary, prepare yourself, because it is not the only beer related phobia out there. Some of the others that exist are:

• Nobrewphobia: Nobrewphobia is the fear of running out of beer. Maybe people with this phobia don’t care that their glass is empty, but the fear sets in when they go to the fridge to grab another brew and realize there isn’t any more! Similar to Cenosillicaphobia, the only cure is to race to the liquor store and grab another pack.

• Methyphobia/Potophobia: Methyphobia, which can also be called Potophobia, the fear of losing control when drinking. Hopefully no one has a combination of Cenosillicaphobia and Methyphobia, for when you fear an empty glass, odds are you will keep drinking, and there is a high potential to lose control. If you suffer from a combination of these two phobias, we recommend you seek help and support.

• Zythophobia: the fear of beer and those who drink beer. This is a fear I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy because beer is amazing! These people typically avoid gatherings in which beer will be present, and don’t allow people to consume beer in their homes, but at that point I don’t think any of us would want to be in their homes anyways.

Now that you know a little more about these fears, lets make sure you never have to experience them! Sign up for our Craft Beer Club and you’ll never have to worry about an empty glass, with shipments of some of the best craft beers that come right to your doorstep.

cenosillicaphobia:The Fear of an Empty Beer Glass
cenosillicaphobia:The Fear of an Empty Beer Glass

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