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Preggophilia: The Pregnancy Fetish Most Moms-to-Be Have No Idea About

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Esha Saxena Mandala
Esha Saxena Mandalahttps://kigalidailynews.com
Esha Saxena Mandala has extensive experience as a freelance writer, journalist, and content strategist. She has over six years of editorial and inbound marketing expertise and is fascinated with creating wonderful content that is insanely useful and effective.

Preggophilia: The Pregnancy Fetish Most Moms-to-Be Have No Idea About.

When someone’s pregnant, people’s go-to move is to touch the baby bump. They want to feel the baby move. On the other side, you have people which take this to a different level of attraction and interest. This is called preggophilia.

If you post your baby bump on social media, you’re probably getting a stream of likes, but there are different reasons why people take interest in your photo. When it comes to pregnancy, people’s boundaries seem to lower as their curiosity and excitement overcome them.

What is preggophilia?

A sexual fetish is defined as associating an object, body part, or anything normally deemed non-sexual with something sexual.

Listen, there’s an endless number of fetishes that people enjoy. For some it’s feet, for others, it’s peeing on people—the list literally never ends.

For people who have Maieusiophilia or maiesiophilia, also known as preggophilia or pregnancy fetishism, the body of a pregnant woman and the idea of pregnancy itself is sexually arousing.

Now, this isn’t just about the baby bump. People can also become turned on by lactation or specific stages of pregnancy.

It’s really quite individual when it comes to what turns someone on. However, in the role-playing community, there are many people who are into male pregnancies, gang-bang impregnation, and alien egg impregnation. Of course, this is all just role-playing.

How common are pregnancy fetishes?

You might be surprised to discover that according to the book Tell Me What You Want by Dr. Justin Lehmiller, pregnancy fantasies are actually quite common. He surveyed 4,175 Americans about their sexual fantasies, and here are some of his findings.

Apparently, 30% of the people he surveyed reported having some version of a pregnancy fantasy. 7.5% of the participants said they fantasized about it often.

When he asked a more specific question about having a fantasy of sex with someone who is already pregnant, he found that 26% of the participants had this fantasy, with 4% of them having it often.

As you can see, thoughts about sexuality and pregnancy aren’t that uncommon at all.

Why do people develop a pregnancy fetish?

There are numerous ideas going around about why some people are sexually aroused by pregnancy.

The most scientific explanations state that humans, specifically our ancestors, gave special importance to female fertility. It is thought that the ability to give birth was the most important criterion in selecting a partner.

Pregnancy is the most obvious advertisement of fertility. It means that a woman is capable of getting pregnant without any trouble, and is therefore fertile and desirable.

But aside from this, people attracted to pregnant women confess to the following reasons for adhering to the fetish. Firstly, it is “wrong”; sex during pregnancy is often taboo in most cultures, and that “forbidden” aspect makes the idea dirty in a sexy way.

Secondly, pregnancy gives the idea of commitment. It is often thought of as a sign of commitment to establishing a family with your partner.

The idea of invading that commitment by seducing a pregnant woman is something that some fetishists fantasize about.

Thirdly, the changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy are extreme. Add the periods of sexual arousal that women sometimes experience during their pregnancy, and you get a very erotic situation. Also, if the woman is pregnant with the fetishist’s baby, appreciating her changing body could be an intense expression of love, commitment, and desire.

Lastly, maybe they experienced sex with a pregnant woman and found it great. Well, no one can have their wife pregnant all the time to enjoy pregnant sex, so they resort to this fetish as a substitute for the experience.

Is it even safe to explore having sex during pregnancy?

Your inner preggophile is probably dying to ask this. While popular wisdom would advise against it, it is perfectly fine to have sex during pregnancy, with special considerations, of course.

Medical professionals advise abstinence during the first trimester and the last four weeks of pregnancy since these periods are pretty critical (You don’t want her to go into labor while you’re doing it.)

But when the second-trimester hits and the expectant mother feels the surge of extreme sexual arousal due to the hormones? Then, you’re open for business.

Is preggophilia sexist?

Now, we all understand that childbirth is a natural process for women. By her becoming pregnant, she has devoted herself to creating a child. Therefore, some may think she cannot be viewed as sexual during that time period.

Since women are the only ones able to carry children, the sexualization of them during pregnancy is argued to be sexist.

Is being a preggophile something to be ashamed of?

If you’re attracted to a pregnant woman, you might be worried that people will find you strange and will judge you for your kinky preference.

Honestly, the only time preggophilia is wrong *or really any sexual activity* is when there is no consent. If the pregnant woman engages in sexual intercourse of her own will, then there’s nothing wrong with it.

Now, if someone is hacking into pregnant women’s computers and stealing videos or images of them… then yes, that’s wrong. So, it really just depends on whether or not you’re doing something shameful to indulge in your fantasy, or if it’s hurting other people.

Ask yourself, “Why does it turn you on?”

If you are a person who has a pregnancy fetish, it’ll be helpful to try to analyze why pregnant women turn you on.

For example, it could be due to early childhood learning. Sexual attraction to pregnant and lactating women might be linked to having more exposure to maternal pregnancy in childhood.

If this sounds like you, then it is likely that you are either the oldest of your siblings or have a few younger ones.

Another possible reason for this kind of attraction to pregnant women is a psychological factor. Perhaps you have high attachment anxiety. In other words, you might fear abandonment and need a lot of reassurance from your romantic partners.

If you are worried about your partner leaving you, then you might find comfort in fantasizing about sex that results in pregnancy because you think it is a sign that your partner will stay with you.

Therefore, you could be drawn to these fantasies as a way of reducing your emotional stress and anxiety.

Regardless of why pregnancy turns you on, your fantasies have very complex roots. Different people may fantasize about the same thing for very different reasons.

Reasons for preggophilia

Now, you are probably wondering why preggophilia happens to some people. Here are some of them.

1. Pregnancy is a hormonal whirlwind

One reason for preggophilia is that pregnancy is a hormonal whirlwind. When a woman is pregnant, her body constantly changes and that goes the same for her hormones.

Pregnant women can become extremely horny without being able to control it. This is what turns people on; the fact that this woman is uncontrollably horny.

2. Pregnancy symbolizes she’s taken

When a woman is pregnant, whether she’s single or taken, it does visually show she’s taken. If she has another man’s child, it represents her commitment to the relationship, which makes her desirable.

Why? Because you can’t have her. This concept of pregnant women being taken is what turns some people on. It’s the idea that you want what you can’t have.

3. People have fetishes for various reasons

You may be wondering why someone would have this fetish. Well, fetishes occur for many reasons. It could be that they had an experience that really opened their mind to preggophilia. Or, it could be they experienced a traumatic event, and they are using their fetish as a coping mechanism.

Interesting facts about preggophilia

Seeing a pregnant woman often turns us into soft, overprotective creatures; we give them our seats on the bus, allow them to cut lines in a queue, and come rushing to their assistance the moment we see them in distress as if they’re made out of fragile crystal.

However, as you now know, not all people feel the warm and fuzzy overprotectiveness brought on by an expecting mother.

There are some who see the bulging womb and upturned belly button as sexy, the enlarged milk-carrying breasts as seductive, and the plump, child-carrying frame as something to make love to…

Sounds strange? This is how people with a pregnancy fetish see pregnant women.

Here are several more things you need to know.

1. Pregnancy fetish is not just about sex with pregnant women

Believe it or not, pregnancy fetishism is not just about lusting over a baby bump and wanting to make love to it, but also about the idea of pregnancy itself.

They are also aroused by pregnancy-related stuff such as maternity garments, positive pregnancy tests, breast pumps, and used underwear.

2. Pregnancy porn is real and turns some people on

Of course, if people fantasize about pregnant women, there will be porno content about them on paid and free porn sites like preggophilia.com. And even if it seems like it’s probably a bunch of fakery and prosthetics, the female performers present are actually pregnant!

There are some adult performers who find themselves specializing in this niche, and due to the nature of their physical condition, get paid a little extra.

Of course, special medical precautions are taken before filming to ensure that it is safe for them to perform during pregnancy.

3. Pregnant role-play fantasies

Sometimes porn isn’t enough. In these cases, creativity in satisfying their fantasies is required. Preggo role-play is as straightforward as it sounds.

Fake belly, maternity garments, and acting like a pregnant woman itself all feed into the fantasy, and prove that it’s not just about sex with an actual pregnant woman -but eroticising the idea of pregnancy.

4. Preggophilia is not pedophila

Many people feel that men who practice preggophilia, the attraction to pregnant women, are actually attracted to the child in the womb. This is completely false.

There are various components to pregnancy that can turn a man on: lactation, taboos, and the female body changes. It isn’t based on the baby growing inside her.

5. If you don’t want to be subjected to it, control it

If you post pictures and general videos of your pregnancy on Instagram and Facebook, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, make sure that your profiles are properly secured.

If you don’t care who sees your photos, then leave your profiles public. However, if you’re not wanting your photos to be used for preggophilia, then make your profiles private.

6. Preggophilia is respectful

It isn’t based on the idea that pregnant women are bad or dirty; it’s quite the opposite. Those that practice preggophilia have very high level of respect for pregnant women.

They’re fascinated by the concept of pregnancy, the strength of a woman, and the beauty of the human body changing. If, as a pregnant woman, you’re not comfortable with preggophilia, that’s perfectly fine. Just understand that preggophilia isn’t negative.

7. It isn’t just for men

You probably think preggophilia is strictly reserved for the male community, but you’re wrong. Women, as well, can also be into preggophilia.

Remember that sexual attraction and stimulation are really personal and different for everyone. So yes, it’s not only for men. Sure, the female preggophilia community isn’t as large, but it still exists.

Some women also feel sexy about pregnancy. As mentioned above, women experience constant bodily changes during pregnancy, and one of them is periods of extreme sexual arousal.

There are cases where women experience the most powerful orgasms of their lives when pregnant, and this can make the idea of pregnancy sexy to some women as well.

What can I do to share or play on my partner’s preggophilia fantasies?

Whether it’s you or your partner who has a pregnancy fetish, it’s something that you can incorporate into your sex life if you want to. Here are some things you can do.

1. Talk to your partner about it

This is the obvious first step. You need to talk to your partner and have an open, honest conversation related to preggophilia. Hopefully, both of you are fine with it. Once you talk about it, you can try to figure out a way to manifest it in the bedroom that you’ll both enjoy

2. Role play/dirty talk

There are several ways you can play out the pregnancy fetish in your sex life. One of you can pretend like they are pregnant. Or, you can indulge in an impregnation fantasy together too.

Talk with your partner about your ideas, and brainstorm scenes that will work for both of you.

Potential problems with having a pregnancy fetish

As with anything in life, there could be some problems related to having a pregnancy fetish. Here are some things to consider.

1. Unwanted pregnancy

If you’re turned on by impregnation, be aware that getting pregnant is serious. Having a child is a very big decision that will change your life – for the rest of your life. So, you have to keep your fetish in perspective and not get careless about birth control.

2. You can’t just go having hundreds of children

Sure, it is biologically possible for a man to father a lot of children in his lifetime. But that doesn’t mean you should. A father must commit to being there for all of his children to be a leader, a role model, and a loving parent. Every child deserves that.

And if you’re married, you can’t get your wife pregnant just for your gratification. It’s her body that has to carry the child, not yours.

3. You might be misunderstood

Sadly, there is still a stigma surrounding the topic of sexual fetishes. Some are more normalised than others, but if someone finds out about your magazine clippings of pregnant celebrities, for instance, they might think it’s creepy. So, you might be misunderstood.

What do people think of this fetish?

Due to its subversion of public perceptions of pregnancy, this fetish falls into the category of “uncomfortably weird to share with a co-worker but still forgivable in the end.”

Compared to others on the list of existing human fetishes – some of which could cause bodily harm, or at least land you on the FBI’s watch list – pregnancy fetishism is relatively harmless.

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