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Russian ammo dump explodes in massive fireball as Ukraine blasts depot with ‘Brit Storm Shadow missile’

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Esha Saxena Mandala
Esha Saxena Mandalahttps://kigalidailynews.com
Esha Saxena Mandala has extensive experience as a freelance writer, journalist, and content strategist. She has over six years of editorial and inbound marketing expertise and is fascinated with creating wonderful content that is insanely useful and effective.

Russian ammo dump explodes in massive fireball as Ukraine blasts depot with ‘Brit Storm Shadow missile’.

Shocking footage shows the moment the warehouse in the Russian-occupied Luhansk region of Ukraine exploded in a massive fireball.

Locals said a “powerful explosion” came before the raging inferno – and speculated the strike was by precision Storm Shadow missiles.

The strike was in Sukhodilsk, only six miles from Ukraine’s border with Russia and 80 miles from the frontline.

The missiles have a 155-mile range and are wreaking havoc in Russian occupied areas.

Russian occupation officials did not immediately comment on the strike.

An unexploded Storm Shadow missile retrieved almost intact on the battlefield has been “evacuated” to Moscow, a former senior Russian official said.

“It is already in Moscow,” Dmitry Rogozin, formerly Putin’s deputy prime minister and head of the Russian Space Agency, said.

The missile was being dissected “to the last screw”, he said.

“Our specialists meticulously study all this and share knowledge and trophies with leading Russian defence enterprises and general designers in priority areas for the development of weapons and military equipment,” he added.

Russia would utilise the “modern weapons” both to create its own new rockets but also to design more effective defensive missiles to use against Storm Shadows, he said.

Last month, another British-supplied missile blew up a Russian-occupied port as the Ukrainian counter-offensive rages on.

A huge plume of smoke was seen rising from the port on the Sea of Azov in Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia region following the strike.

State media outlet RT said there had been “casualties and destruction” from the explosion.

The Storm Shadow is an Anglo-French missile but it is only Britain that has supplied them to Ukraine.

The devastating missiles can wipe out well-defended static targets like facilities, bunkers and bridges and have already proved their abilities in the past weeks.

Russian ammo dump explodes in massive fireball as Ukraine blasts depot with ‘Brit Storm Shadow missile’
Russian ammo dump explodes in massive fireball as Ukraine blasts depot with ‘Brit Storm Shadow missile’

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