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The health benefits of masturbation

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Esha Saxena Mandala
Esha Saxena Mandalahttps://kigalidailynews.com
Esha Saxena Mandala has extensive experience as a freelance writer, journalist, and content strategist. She has over six years of editorial and inbound marketing expertise and is fascinated with creating wonderful content that is insanely useful and effective.

Ladies and gentlemen, masturbation is not just a pleasurable way to take care of yourself. Is masturbation healthy? Yes. In fact, it is a normal and healthy sexual activity with huge mental and physical health benefits.

1. Feels good

Whatever feels good lifts up your mood and makes you happier. Pleasure feels good, and masturbation is a healthy way to please yourself, especially when you reach climax. If you’re feeling down, go ahead and masturbate.

As we all know, orgasms release dopamine and oxytocin, which can improve your mood and give you a natural high. Instead of doing drugs, why not give yourself orgasms?

2. Confidence boost

If you have one best friend that you should take care of, it’s your own body. After all, it’s the only thing that’s going to be with you for the rest of your life.

Why not treat your body to some loving, right? After all, masturbation is known to make you feel good about your body because it allows you to get to know yourself in a physical sense, especially your pleasure points.

3. Sexuality enhancer

As masturbation allows you to explore your body and makes you confident about what turns you on and pleases you, it helps improve your sexuality and sexual health.

Knowing what and where it feels good allows you to be in charge of your body, even when you are with a partner. This is because you know what feels good, and you can be more vocal about it with your partner.

4. Who says you need a partner?

Who says you need to be having sex with someone to make you feel sexy? Regularly masturbating helps your brain get the “sexercise” it needs so that you can easily feel aroused.

The more you think about sex, the more sex you’ll have and the more sex you’ll want. All this can happen while you’re feeding the beaver or spanking your monkey.

5. Stress reliever

Since masturbating makes you feel good, it is a great way to unwind and relieve stress. It releases endorphins, which help to calm you down and lift up your mood.

If you’re having a rough day at work, end it with a bath, some sensual music, and go ahead and buff the banana.

6. Improved sex life

As you become more in tune with your body and your pleasure points, you can get more out of your sex life. In turn, this gives your partner satisfaction because they can see you being pleased and satisfied.

If you are confident enough to talk to your partner about what you like, you can both open more doors to another world of bedroom pleasures.how to masturbate solo orgasm self-pleasure

7. Lullaby, anyone?

There’s a reason you feel sleepy after a wild and satisfying romp with your partner. Having toe-curling orgasms can relieve your body of tension and leave you exhausted physically, emotionally, and mentally.  This is because your body releases serotonin, which makes you feel more relaxed and may help you fall asleep better. You will feel relaxed and tired in a good way.

If ever you have insomnia, try masturbating before reaching for those sleeping pills. You’ll surely sleep better after an orgasm.

8. Releases your tension

Sexual tension, that is. Ever notice that some people become extra cranky? It’s probably because they aren’t getting any.

If you don’t want to be like them, a great way to stay in a positive mood is to masturbate. You can satisfy your libido without a partner. As an added bonus, you’ll be in a much cheerier mood than before.

9. Orgasm all you want

One, two, three… or more. It’s all up to you. Is there any better benefit that you can get from masturbating? While you can orgasm once or twice before your partner gets tired or finishes, you don’t have to worry about that when you go solo.

You can take the afternoon off and have a solo sensual spree. You can keep going and going and going… especially if you’re a woman.

10. Premature ejaculation? No problem

Masturbating can help improve a man’s sex life. One of the several health benefits of jacking off is that it can help you manage premature ejaculation. Crank your shank around two hours before having sex!

This allows you to perform longer before another ejaculation comes. Voila! You’re an instant sex-machine.

11. Prostate cancer risks be gone

For men, masturbation may lower the risks of prostate cancer. Studies found that men who ejaculate 21 or more times per month are less likely to develop prostate cancer compared to those who do it four to seven times per month. What do you do when you don’t have a partner who’s in on it five times a week?

You masturbate. By burping the worm, you are flushing out the disease-causing toxins in your genital tract, clearing the path, and keeping you spic and span down there.

12. What’s with the nose?

Ever notice that your clogged nose gets better after sex and masturbation? This is because being aroused and having orgasms reduces the swelling of the vessels in your nasal passages.

It is even said that sex and masturbation alone can improve your condition if you have a common cold, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, or other ailments.

13. Fight off germs

With your fingers or your palms. This is because masturbation also increases cortisol, a known stress hormone that is also responsible for helping you regulate and maintain immunity.

Even scientists from the Fortis Escorts Institute in New Delhi say that masturbation can produce the right environment for strengthening the immune system naturally.

14. No STD, no pregnancy

No sex, no problem. For both men and women, masturbation is one of the safest forms of getting off without having a partner. It lessens the risk of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases from a partner.

It is a great way to be sexually satisfied without having vaginal penetration.

15. It can increase your lifespan

Because masturbation releases a lot of feel-good hormones and endorphins, it can increase your life span.

It sort of tricks your brain into thinking that you are having sex, which is good for a long life. Who doesn’t want to live longer?

16. It can improve your skin

It’s been found that orgasms are also good for your skin. It’s partially hormonal, partially neurological, and partially vascular. Whether you get an orgasm from intercourse or via masturbation, the effect is still the same. Either way, your skin gets a boost.

17. It helps you get to know your body better

When you explore your own body through masturbation, you learn what feels good and what doesn’t.

Then, when you do get together with your lover, you can tell them what you want them to do to you in bed. They will appreciate your guidance because it means that they won’t have to guess.

18. It improves heart health

Masturbation is also good for the cardiovascular system. It can help lower your blood pressure and enhance relaxation.

Stress has a direct effect on the heart. From a chemical perspective, endorphins and other hormones released by the body to relieve stress help us to become calmer.

19. It strengthens your pelvic floor muscles

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that support crucial internal organs in a woman, like her bladder and uterus. Having a strong pelvic floor is important because it can help you avoid or lessen issues like leaking urine when you sneeze, laugh, or cough. The good news is that masturbation can help make your pelvic floor stronger.

Another unexpected health benefit of masturbation for women is the increased blood flow that helps relieve the discomfort of uterine contractions during a period. The help from feel-good hormones like dopamine and oxytocin help reduce pain, too.

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