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20 important and meaningful reasons to get married

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Esha Saxena Mandala
Esha Saxena Mandalahttps://kigalidailynews.com
Esha Saxena Mandala has extensive experience as a freelance writer, journalist, and content strategist. She has over six years of editorial and inbound marketing expertise and is fascinated with creating wonderful content that is insanely useful and effective.

Almost always, if you’re not ready for marriage, it’s because you haven’t found the right partner yet.20 important and meaningful reasons to get married

You don’t have a secure job, you don’t think you have enough money, or you like your life just the way it is. There may be a few special instances, but more often than not, these reasons make up all the good excuses to avoid marriage.

If you’re in a long-term relationship already or are wondering how you can evade the big noose around your neck called a marriage, here are the best reasons to get married.

1. A big commitment

There’s no bigger proof of love than asking your lover for their hand in marriage. Don’t look at marriage as a lock without a key. Look at it as the highest commitment you can give to the one you love to prove your love for them.

It’s a constant decision to choose your partner every day for the rest of your life. There’s no more significant decision than that.

2. Sharing your life with someone

As humans, we’ve evolved to be social creatures that need attention. Living life as a single forever may sound appealing, but at some point, all of us feel the need to be watched by someone else and have someone else to share our happy and sad moments.

Having someone by your side is truly one of the beautiful reasons to get married that you have to acknowledge.

3. You’ve enjoyed your single life

Do you remember how your teen years and your single years were? You’ve partied and had your share of fun, almost until those one-night stands and meaningless flings make no sense to you anymore.

At this point, your mind’s telling you that you’ve changed, and you want someone to share your life with, and not just your bed for a night.

While this is also the reason some people aren’t ready for marriage, there comes the point where you realize it’s more satisfying to cuddle with your boo on Friday nights than getting blackout drunk at parties.

4. The stages of life

As we’ve said earlier, life is a game of stages. And when you’re mentally prepared to enter the next step, your mind convinces you of the benefits of moving to the next stage. Marriage is a pretty important stage in life. If you truly love someone, take the plunge.

It’ll be a whole new experience that’ll be worth the ride. It’s a scary experience, but you’ll realize that this is the stage of your life you’ve been waiting for.

5. Tradition

Whether you’re a traditional person or not, marriage is still one of the beautiful traditions that have been going around for centuries. And just like how we tend to believe things that have been tried and tested, marriage is one of those traditions that has worked for almost all couples, as long as they truly love each other.

So if you’re looking for reasons to get married, it’s a tradition you can’t help but practice if you can’t imagine spending your life with anyone else but them.

6. You’re truly in love

Have you been in a serious relationship for more than a few years with the same person, and you’re still truly happy to be in love? You’re more ready than you think. Your relationship is bound to progress, and this is the next step you’ve both been waiting for.

If you know you can commit to loving them even on days when it isn’t so convenient, that’s one of the reasons to get married. After all, marriage is the biggest reflection of your love.

 7. A great support system

Marriage is the best support system that life offers. When you’re going through a difficult time, just knowing that you have a spouse who can share and ease your burden can help you get a better outlook on life.

You’re not just marrying your significant other, but also your best friend. They will be your teammate and partner throughout any ventures you go through, and that’s everything in a marriage.

8. Motivation

Just the thought of knowing that you have a significant other who loves you and cares for you can give you the strength and determination to become a better person and pursue your goals and ambitions with renewed vigor.

If you truly love the one you’re married to, you’d be motivated to create a better life for you and your spouse. This alone should be more than an adequate reason to get married.

9. A name for your relationship

So you’re dating someone for several years. But dating someone and being married to someone just doesn’t sound the same.

A dating relationship is always considered to be more casual than a marriage. And if you really do love your boyfriend or girlfriend, wouldn’t you want to be taken more seriously as a couple?

It’s not that your love for your partner is less if you’re not married, but it’s a higher form of commitment, unlike dating.

10. The norms of society

Marriage has been universally accepted and even demanded in society through the ages.

And just like we’re all meant to work, earn money, live in a house, and lead our lives within the unwritten and written laws of a well-functioning society, getting married to the one you love is on that list. It may sound archaic, but marriage is still the norm and not the exception.

11. Maturity

Remember when we said you should only get married when you’re ready to do so? That’s because it takes maturity to commit to someone for a lifetime. With marriage comes maturity in life.

A marriage requires trust, faith, and commitment. This all helps both partners to develop a stronger sense of maturity.

12. You want children

Part of the package in a marriage is having kids and starting a family. Do you stare at those commercials on the TV where they show happy kids doing cute things and running around a park?

When you’re ready for marriage, you’ll find yourself getting drawn to children and babies with curiosity and affection. You’ll want to have kids of your own who share traits of you and your husband. They’re the result of the immense love you share in your marriage.

13. Marriage gives financial dependability

As partners, you can definitely share each other’s monetary good fortune and deal with tough times. But when you’re married to each other, there’s more financial security because both of you lead your lives and aspirations, keeping each other in mind.

One of the reasons to get married is when you’re financially stable to do so. There’s a bigger maturity and financial pressure at stake compared to dating when you don’t know how to manage and handle your finances.

14. You respect values

This is one of the aspects that are highly critical in a marriage. Values in life give more meaning and make you a person of principles. Marriage is an ethical bond that defines your relationship with your partner as more than just a casual fling. Your parents were married, and their parents were before them.

And you want to continue that legacy and follow the same principles. It’s precisely why you should be wary before marrying someone with opposing principles as you. Spouses with different belief systems and principles tend to clash and go against one another’s throats.

15. Your achievements feel empty

You’ve achieved what you want in life so far, money, a house, a fast car, and whatnot.

But all of these are material possessions that give happiness but don’t give meaning to your life. No matter how much money you have, even if you’re a successful millionaire, it’s not as fulfilling as finding someone to settle down with.

Knowing you have someone who loves you and unconditionally cares for you, waiting for you at home, will always give you more happiness than any material possessions surrounding you. Material objects can be replaced, but love simply cannot.

16. You have someone to call your own

The world is filled with billions of people. But when you’re single or still just dating someone, you’re just an individual living a lonely life with no one to call your own.

But when you get married, you have someone else who’ll share your life with you legally and have someone you truly can call your own.

And when you have someone who sees life through your eyes, your life will feel more meaningful and essential. It’s not just because you’re living together when you’re married, but it’s the feeling of unity.

17. Growing old with someone

This may not make much sense if you’re still young. But as you get older, you’d enjoy the pleasure of spending time with a special someone that you love more than anyone else in the whole world.

Just knowing that you have someone to take care of you, understand your preferences and your principles in life, and vice versa, can make you feel more satisfied in life and give more meaning to your existence.

18. You found your soulmate

Have you found the one who makes you feel more alive and happy? If you’ve met your true love and can’t wait to spend the rest of your lives together and grow old together, what better way to make a serious commitment than by proposing marriage?

Your soulmate feels like home and even on mundane days, you’re happy being around them doing nothing. They understand your soul on levels nobody else does, and this is one of the concrete reasons to get married.

19. Your parents

Marriage can help your parents feel more reassured about your future. Even though they may not voice it, getting married to the one you love is reassuring for both families because it makes them feel happier to know that you and your lover have found happiness in each other and would always be there for each other through thick and thin.

And let’s not forget the joy of playing with their grandkids. It’s a lifelong dream for your parents to see you settle down with someone who will genuinely take care of your heart.

Your parents might not say it out loud, but that wish for a happy marriage is usually there.

20. Meaning to life

Marriage can make you more focused in life. When you’re married to someone, you’re not just responsible for yourself. You’re accountable for your partner too. Together, both of you have created a new entity that breathes life as a couple.

Like a bigger, better job, marriage means more responsibilities, but it also gives you more satisfaction and meaning to your existence.

This is one of the healthy reasons to get married that makes this lifetime commitment the most fulfilling and purposeful experience in the world.

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