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Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to tell your boyfriend you love him

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Esha Saxena Mandala
Esha Saxena Mandalahttps://kigalidailynews.com
Esha Saxena Mandala has extensive experience as a freelance writer, journalist, and content strategist. She has over six years of editorial and inbound marketing expertise and is fascinated with creating wonderful content that is insanely useful and effective.

You’re probably nervous now, but you’ll feel so much better after saying it. But remember, there’s no “right way” or “wrong way” to profess your love. It’s really just about taking the leap of faith and going for it. Isn’t that what love is all about? Here are all the tips and steps for how to tell your boyfriend you love him.

1. Decide how you’d like to say it

Think about the moment you tell him you love him. In your mind, how do you picture it? In bed? During dinner?

Now, we’re not saying it’s going to turn out like that – you may end up having an argument and then blurting it out accidentally. But, at least try and come up with a plan.

2. Do what feels right

If your friends or parents are pressuring you, ignore them. Don’t force it. This is a really important tip for how to tell your boyfriend you love him.

Make sure you really do have those feelings, and then if so, do it when you feel it’s right. Though you’re telling him you love him, this is really about you opening up.

3. Rip off the Band Aid and just say it in the most simple way

You don’t have to word it differently if you don’t want to. You can just tell him, “I love you.” Some people want to use poetry and other artistic art forms to say it, but there’s nothing wrong with that simple line.

Go on, just do it! You’ll feel so much better afterwards.

4. Pick a place that’s special to both of you

If you two have a special restaurant that you both love to go to, or a park that you both like to read in, why not take him there? Then you can tell him how you feel. It’s a great way to show him how special he is to you.

5. While you’re on vacation

Well, a trip somewhere warm and sunny is a perfect way to tell him how you feel. It’s summer, the weather is beautiful, you two are completely relaxed enjoying the time together, why not say it then?

It’ll make for an unforgettable trip. So why not follow this tip for how to tell your boyfriend you love him?

How to tell your boyfriend you love him

6. When you’re both in a good mood

This is crucial. If he’s had a bad day at work and then you tell him you love him, now, he may end up being either really happy or overwhelmed. You don’t know.

So, wait until he’s in a good mood. That being said, it could also work out if you tell him during an argument, but, generally people respond better when they’re in good spirits.

7. Choose a private setting

You can totally tell him in front of your family and friends if you want to. Sure, he’ll shit his pants, but never mind. However, a private setting is more appropriate in general.

He’ll be able to tell you how he feels without feeling uncomfortable and pressured. There’s enough pressure on him already, don’t add more.

8. You could try a passing conversation

If you feel fear when wondering how to tell your boyfriend you love him, you can take the indirect approach. If you’re too nervous to tell him that you love him, then say it in passing conversation. It doesn’t have to be obvious.

But if you just slip it in, he’ll probably want you to rewind and then ask what you just said. That’ll be then a good opportunity to discuss it.

9. Express your feelings through art

If you can draw or paint, then why not tell him you love him through that? Paint him a painting of something meaningful, or make him a card that tells him how you feel. It’s romantic, and it’s something that he’ll be able to keep with him forever.

10. Or, perhaps try a song

Now we’re starting to sound like a chick flick, but listen, if you’re a musician then it’s a good way to say it. Plus, it’s romantic.

Now, if you’re not a good singer, it’s best to avoid it, unless you’re trying to be funny. But, all in all, music is poetry and love, so don’t hold back from trying this out.

11. Sex is a good time, but proceed with caution

Sex is another great method to use if you are wondering how to tell your boyfriend you love him. You’re naked, skin touching skin, it’s all sensual, and then you whisper those three words in his ear. It’s emotional, and well, it will probably get you into having the best sex of your life.

However, it could also make him think you don’t really mean it and that you’re just lost in the moment of lust. This one should be used with caution, but it’s a possibility if you feel that’s right for you.

How to tell your boyfriend you love him

12. You can use other words if you prefer

You don’t have to say, “I love you” literally. Of course, t’s the easiest to understand, so if you’re worried he’s not going to like the direct approach, then do this.

But you can use phrases like, “you make me happy,” or  “I’m so lucky to have met you.” It’s quite clear that saying that implies something bigger.

13. Try humor but make sure he knows you mean it

Saying these three words doesn’t have to be a dramatic event. It can be light and relaxing. If you have a good sense of humor, you can say “I love you” in a quirky way.

Like saying, “I love you like a fat kid loves cake.” You said what you needed to say, but you gave a cute and funny twist to it. However, don’t laugh it off too much otherwise he might think you’re just teasing and you don’t really mean it. Don’t confuse the poor guy!

14. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach

If you have a creative side, you can make his favorite cake or dish and spell out the words, “I love you.” Not a bad idea, eh?

Not only will he love the idea, but his tummy will be happy as well. So it’s basically a win-win.

15. Say it when he does something nice for you

This is a great opportunity to slip the phrase into a thank you. The next time your boyfriend does something nice, like surprise you with flowers or takes care of you when you’re sick, casually tell him that you love him.

16. Tell him just as he’s leaving

When he’s leaving to go to work or to head back home from a sleepover at your place, stand by the door and tell him you love him.

Try calling him by his name first, that’ll get his attention, and then add more seriousness to what you’re going to say.

17. Never force him to say it back

This is important. You have to prepare yourself for the off-chance that he doesn’t love you back just yet. Nobody wants to hear this, but it could happen.

However, it might just be that he doesn’t feel ready to say it yet, he’s not quite there yet, or that he’s dealing with past baggage on this type of subject and he’s working through it.

Pressuring him won’t make him say it back and if you pressure him and he does say it, how can you be sure it’s a genuine vow of affection? Give him space and let him say it when he’s truly ready.

But, and this is a big but, even if he doesn’t say it back yet, or ever, that doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t valid.

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